I was sharing with a close friend that I had started doing this, and she loved the idea. But she doesn't really have the time to sit down and plan out a month. So the next month, I sent her the menu and all the recipes to go with the meals. She was excited that her month was planned out. Because her girls don't like everything that Lance and I do, I'm sure she switched up some of the recipes, but she was for the most part planned out for the month.

Before I give you our plan for the last two weeks of May, I want to share with you how I plan the month. It may also help you plan. When I began planning, it seemed big and overwhelming, but I realized if I had a plan of attack it would help. So I decided we would have a beef dish on Mondays, a chicken dish on Tuesdays, fish or pork on Wednesdays, whatever on Thursdays, and pizza or burgers on Fridays. Saturdays & Sundays are wing it days. For sides, I buy what is on sale that week and split them among the days. This helps us eat what is in season because the sales usually follow what is in season.
Now for our menu:
May 21 - 25
Monday: Cowboy Casserole (see below for recipe)
Tuesday: Easy Garlic Chicken
Wednesday: Breakfast for Dinner
Thursday: Steak & Potato
Friday: Burgers
May 28 - June 1
Monday: Steak Quesadillas
Tuesday: Rotisserie Chicken
Wednesday: BLT's
Thursday: Spaghetti & Caesar Salad
Friday: Pizza
Cowboy Casserole
Brown: 1-1 1/2 lbs. ground beef with 1/2 diced onion and optional 1/4 lb. bacon cut up. While that is browning in a skillet, get a crock pot and add: one can each of Lima beans, butter beans, pork n beans and jalapeno pinto beans (drain all juices except pinto beans). Then add: 1/2 cup each of brown sugar, ketchup, BBQ sauce, 2 TBSP. vinegar, 1 tsp. garlic salt and some salt and pepper. Drain the meat and add to crock pot. Stir all together well. You can serve immediately, or wait a few hours for flavors to meld together. Serve with cornbread. Add jalapenos if you like, too. This can be ready in about 15-20 minutes. Very hearty meal-sticks to ribs. (I can't always find the beans that are listed so I find something similar.)